Thursday, 16 November 2017

Some believe it started in Saxon or Norman times but this hasn't been proven.                                     It is believed that cricket was as a children's game for many generations before it was taken up by 
adults around the 17th century.The first time cricket was definitely talked about was in 1598 in a court case.
The first ever international game was held in 1844 between the USA and Canada in New York.
Nowadays there is over 50 countries playing cricket professionaly and is a very popular sport to play.
Personally i do not like the game cause of the length of it. But lots of people think differently.
Image result for geography of cricket

In this blog we are going to be talking about football. According to BBC news football originated in China over 2000 years ago.It was called Kickball. Kickball then was part of the wider urban culture of entertainment, sports, leisure and pleasure and there were different forms. Kickball clubs had managers, trainers, and captains like any other modern day sport today.
It is said that a student named William Webb Ellis, was playing a game of soccer and picked up the ball and began running the pitch with it and dodging the opposition. 
This is a picture of the first ever rugby game between England and France.

File:Rugby2 1900.jpg                                                                                
The Ball was then made of leather on the outside with pigs bladder inside of it.

World Cup
The World cup is an event with all rugby nations that took place every 4 years.
The tournament was first held in 1987, when the tournament was co-hosted by New Zealand and  Australia. 
The origins of tennis dates back to a very long time ago. In fact, it is believed that the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians played very early versions of the game. However, the first written record of tennis dates back to 1000 when French monks started playing a game they called 'jeu de paume' or the game of hand. From then on it became more and more popular involving King Louis IV trying to ban the game altogether.
From then on there had been courts, rackets, balls and tornaments making tennis one of the most expensive well paid game.
Tennis, Sport, Tennis Ball